Player Rankings
Division 2 - Week 25
The rankings positions are determined by the 'Total Percentage of Frames Won' and then by the 'Total Number of Frames Played'.
To be included in these rankings you must have played at least 38 frames. Only league matches are including in these rankings. Frames awarded for a walkover are not included in these rankings. Illegible names on the scorecard will have been ignored. Please look at the scorecards if you believe that these ranking are wrong. You should then notify us of the discrepancy. The league may not correct discrepancies caused by a poorly completely scorecards.
CF - The highest number of Consecutive Frames won.     MP - The number of Matches Played.
Ranking Player Name Team Name M
Home Away Total C
P W % P W % P W %
1 S Hall Angel Gardens 19 24 15 62.5% 31 18 58.1% 55 33 60.0% 5
2 S White Angel Gardens 18 20 9 45.0% 28 19 67.9% 48 28 58.3% 4
3 J King Angel Gardens 14 18 7 38.9% 24 15 62.5% 42 22 52.4% 4
4 C Crafer Angel Gardens 20 26 10 38.5% 30 11 36.7% 56 21 37.5% 3
5 S Warren Angel Gardens 17 23 8 34.8% 25 9 36.0% 48 17 35.4% 3
Non-Qualifying (Played less than 38 frames)
Player Name Team Name M
Home Away Total C
P W % P W % P W %
A Beavis Angel Gardens 4 5 2 40.0% 5 4 80.0% 10 6 60.0% 2
C Grimmer Angel Gardens 10 15 8 53.3% 10 5 50.0% 25 13 52.0% 4
A Harris Angel Gardens 3 0 0 0.0% 6 2 33.3% 6 2 33.3% 2
J Maccormick Angel Gardens 1 3 1 33.3% 0 0 0.0% 3 1 33.3% 1